Infofish Citizen Science and Suntag Report 2013/14
This report has been prepared by Infofish Australia for Australian National Sportfishing Association Qld
August 2014.
Report highlights:
- Total fish and crab records in the database now exceed 1.05 million fish records including 712,900 tagged fish, 281,400 fish from catches and 57,000 recaptures
- 101 Frequent taggers account for 278,000 (39%) of the total number of fish tagged while the remaining 9,300 taggers account for 298,100 (41.8%) of the fish tagged
- Fish stocking groups account for 95,300 (13.4%) of the fish tagged and researchers 41,800 (5.9%)
- Fishing trips with catch and effort details now total 40,150 (3,200 this year)
- A total of over 9,400 taggers (565 this year) have now participated in Suntag and 16,900 fishers (830 this year) have reported the recapture of a tagged fish
- A total of over 1,200 fishers contributed data to Suntag this year through tagging fish, reporting recaptures and catch
- Barramundi is the most tagged species with over 238,200 tagged and 17,500 recaptured (over 20,900 including multiple recaptures)
- The overall recapture rate for fish, excluding crabs was 6.6% with a 6.8% recapture rate for 2010-‐14
- The release rate of recaptured fish for the past 9 years was over 60% and over 70% from 2007/08 to 2009/11
- Mick Dohnt remains the top tagger overall having tagged a total of 24,780 fish
- Images of almost 1,700 tagged and recaptured fish are now stored in the database
- A total of over 86,500 fish have the location where the hook was lodged in the fish recorded with 10.8% of fish caught on bait being deep hooked (throat or gut) and 2.0% for fish caught on lures
- A total of 8 mini-‐reports were produced featuring a species, location, timeframe, issues or all of those with over 4,000 downloads from the website
- Suntag eNews was introduced as an online newsletter with 5 editions issued to around 800 subscribers
- Websites for Suntag and Crystal Bowl
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